Is he worth waiting for? Is he feeling the same way I do for him? Am I just comforting myself in the hope that this will work? Would I be better off dating the postman instead? At Least he comes to visit me once a month! Does my guy even exist or is it just another catfishing fraud? Long Distance Relationships sucks, let me repeat myself, they suck. My guy lives 7 hours away and I am having a great time. No man, it just frustrates me. I can’t see him every day, I can’t get a hug when I need to have one. All I get is a Video call or a conversation through WhatsApp. But, that is just not enough. I do need his touch, his hands on me, that feeling, those arms wrapping me and making me feel safe. Those kisses on my forehead comfort me. Isn’t this what every other person in a long-distance relationship is feeling? The questions stated above strike through every other person in a Long Distance Relationship every day, yes every single day. But, what are those things which keep...